In accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC FPC; the Board of Directors is to comprise nine members.
In June 2022, the annual General Meeting of Shareholders decided to elect three independent directors to the Board of Directors of JSC FPC, as well as five non-executive directors (who were representatives of the parent company) and an executive director (who is the General Director of JSC FPC).
Board structure, %
The FPC shareholders have confidence in the Board of Directors, which is made up of highly qualified experts.
The Board of Directors of JSC FPC is effective because of a well-balanced makeup in terms of its members' backgrounds, including their education, experience, and business acumen, as well as their age and gender.
The Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC evaluated the composition of the Board of Directors during the reporting year for compliance with the Company's strategic goals and objectives, as well as the proficiencies and qualifications of all nominees to the Board of Directors of the Company.
Expertise of the members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC
Expertise area
Board members (BM)
Cooperation with public authorities
Information technology and telecommunications
Corporate governance
Corporate finance and investor relations
Macroeconomic and sectoral analysis
Strategic planning and development
Strategic management
Control and audit
Internal audit and internal control
Risk management
Human resources management and social responsibility
Education of members of the Board of DirectorsSix of the nine members of the Board of Directors have two or more higher education degrees and one member of the Board of Directors has an academic degree.
Gender balance, %
Tenure, %
The Board of Directors includes three women and six men representing different age groups, which enables Board members to consider agenda items comprehensively.
The average tenure of members of the JSC FPC Board of Directors is 3.5 years. Such a period allows for both the need to rotate the membership (to assess and work through issues in the most objective and innovative way) and the accumulation of sufficient experience (to be deeply immersed in the Company and to make informed decisions that fall within the remit of the Board members).
In 2022, two new members were elected to the Board of Directors of JSC FPC.
Role of independent directors in the Company’s activities
Independent directors (ID) play an important role on the Board of Directors: they ensure an objective and comprehensive perception of issues based on their knowledge, experience and qualifications. Unbiased judgement and constructive criticism by independent directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and relevant committees help to make well-informed decisions.
The Company complies with the recommendation of the Corporate Governance Code to have at least one third of the Board of Directors as independent directors.
All independent directors sit on committees. The Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee is headed by an independent director. All independent directors sit on the Strategic Planning, Digital Transformation and Information Technology Committee. One independent director sits on the Audit and Risk Committee.
The Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC assesses Board members, particularly at the stage of nomination to the Board, for compliance with the independence criteria set out in the Corporate Governance Code.
In 2022, the Board of Directors of JSC FPC recognised ID1The Board of Directors of JSC FPC recognised ID1 as an independent director due to his immaterial affiliation with the state (ID1 had been a member of the State Duma of the Seventh Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and a member of the State Duma Committee on Transport and Construction (2016–2021) for one year prior to his election to the Company’s Board of Directors) and the director’s ability to act in good faith and reasonably in the interests of the Company and its shareholders., ID2, ID3The Board of Directors of JSC FPC recognised ID3 as an independent director due to her immaterial affiliation with the Company (ID3 is a member of the board of directors of an entity controlled by the parent company) and the director’s ability to act in good faith and reasonably in the interests of the Company and its shareholders. as meeting the independence criteria based on the assessment conducted by the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee. The presence of formal indications of affiliation with JSC FPC and the state was recognised as immaterial and having no impact on the ability of the Board members to make objective and impartial judgements during the decision-making process.
Additional information about members of the Board of Directors
Members of the Board of Directors do not hold any shares in the authorised capital of JSC FPC, do not own the Company’s ordinary shares and have not entered into any transactions to acquire shares of JSC FPC or dispose of them during the reporting year.
No claims were filed against the members of the Board of Directors in connection with the performance of their duties as members of the Board of Directors.
The Company did not issue loans to members of the Board of Directors.
No notices on conflicts of interest were received by the Board of Directors.
Non-executive and independent directors are not provided with pension contributions, insurance programs, investment programs and other benefits and privileges.
Induction and training programme
In order to familiarise newly elected members of the Board of Directors with the operational, financial and economic activities of JSC FPC as quickly and efficiently as possible, an induction course is held. This procedure is prescribed by the Induction Programme for newly elected members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC.
As part of the induction course, meetings with the General Director and key employees of the Company are held at the Company’s office, key documents and presentation materials on the Company’s activities are presented, and visits to the Company’s production facilities are organised.
In 2022, following the recommendation of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC, the Company approved a new version of the induction programme for newly elected members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC, which includes an updated list of JSC FPC corporate policies that are provided to newly elected members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC for familiarisation upon their election.
In 2022, a newly elected independent director had an induction course, met with the Company's management and the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and received the Company's key documents for review from the Corporate Secretary.
In order to develop the professional competencies of members of the Board of Directors, the Company organises invitations to Board members to participate in forums, strategic sessions, conferences and other events dedicated to the specific activities of JSC FPC.
In February 2022, independent directors took part in a strategic session organised by FPC's management in the form of an online conference, key FPC executives, Board members and the Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC. The strategic session examined paths, risks and trends in FPC's strategic development.
In November 2022, independent directors of JSC FPC took part in the XVIth annual Transport of Russia forum, which hosted the most significant business and cultural events of the industry: the coordination transport meeting of CIS member states, the Transport of Russia international exhibition, the Digital Transport and Logistics forum, etc.
Report of the Board of Directors
Meetings of the Board of Directors
Meetings of the Board of Directors are held in accordance with the annually approved Work Plan of the Board of Directors, as well as when necessary, but at least once a quarter.
In 2022, there were 24 meetings of JSC FPC's Board of Directors, of which 20 were held in absentia and four were held in person. In 2022, the duration of in-person meetings averaged 1.1 hours.
During the reporting year, the in-person meetings were mainly held in a video-conference format using the domestic online conferencing software — True-Conf. Information security during corporate procedures was improved by replacing the imported software, which was used to coordinate remote participation of board members in in-person meetings, with domestic one. The use of this platform is also integrated into the work of the relevant committees of the Board of Directors.
FPC employs a cutting-edge method for supplying Board members with meeting materials by following the path of digitalisation and resource-wise usage. Each member of the JSC FPC Board of Directors is provided with a personal tablet with corporate cloud storage. This is a resource that provides secure access to all meeting materials and minutes of the Board of Directors.
In the reporting year, Board members actively participated in the work of the Board of Directors, with an attendance rate of 97%.
Information on the attendance of Board meetings by members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC in 2022The data in the table is given in the 6(2)/8 format, which means that a Board member attended six of the eight meetings and participated in two in-person meetings by sending a written opinion.
Full name
In-person meeting of the Board of Directors
Absentee meeting of the Board of Directors
Total % of attendance at meetings
Matters reviewed by the Board of Directors in 2022
Key resolutions taken the Board of Directors in 2022
Group of matters
Resolutions taken
To approve JSC FPC’s Informatisation Programme for 2022
To approve the Investment Programme for 2022
To approve the time-schedule for the development of JSC FPC's Digital Transformation Strategy until 2024
To review the report on the implementation of the IT strategy of JSC FPC for 2020–2025 in 2021
To approve the Company's budget for 2022
To approve the revised Regulations on the KPI system of JSC FPC and define the targets of corporate and functional KPIs for 2023
To increase JSC FPC’s authorised capital by placing additional shares and approval of the document containing the terms and conditions of placing JSC FPC securities
Corporate governance
To decide on the matters related to the convening and organisation of general meetings of shareholders of JSC FPC
To take organisational decisions related to the establishment of the Strategic Planning, Digital Transformation and IT Committee of JSC FPC
To resolve on the organisation of activities of the Board of Directors’ committees, in particular, to review the committees’ report for the 2020/2021 corporate year
To review the results of performance evaluation of FPC’s Board of Directors and its committees
Internal audit, internal control and risk management
To review the Internal Audit Department's 2021 performance report and approved the Internal Audit Department's 2022 performance plan and budget
To approve JSC FPC's risk monitoring report (including a report on the results of the self-assessment of the Risk Management and Internal Control System at the end of 2021)
To review the draft statement of risk appetite for JSC FPC for 2022
HR-related matters
To approve candidates to the positions of JSC FPC’s Deputy General Director and heads of JSC FPC’s branches
To endorse (approve) an insurance company to enter into a voluntary health insurance policy
To make amendments to the Regulations on JSC FPC Executive Remuneration System
Assessment of JSC FPC’s Board of Directors Performance
JSC FPC formalised a procedure for assessing the performance of the Board of Directors, Board committees, Board members and the Corporate Secretary. In 2022, the Board of Directors of JSC FPC approved a new version of the regulation, which establishes the authority of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee as it pertains to the self-assessment procedure, the mandatory performance assessment of the Corporate Secretary, as well as questionnaires tailored to the Company's operations.
In the reporting period, there was a self-assessment of the performance of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC conducted by way of a questionnaire survey among Board members and committee members. Assessment covered the work of the Board of Directors, members of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Corporate Secretary and Committees of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC for the 2021/2022 corporate year.
The analysis included the review of the needs of the Board of Directors in terms of professional qualifications, experience and business skills of Board members, the number of Board members, and the performance of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Corporate Secretary.
The Board of Directors reviewed the assessment results at its meeting in August 2022.
The weighted average performance score was 4.3 out of five for the Board of Directors and 4.6 out of five for the Board Chairman. The assessment showed that most of the assessed parameters comply with best-practice standards.
Key results of performance assessment
The size of the Board of Directors is commensurate with the scale of the Company's operations and is optimal for the efficient operation of the Board of Directors
The functions of the existing committees of the Board of Directors ensure a comprehensive preliminary review of the most important issues of the Company's activities
The existing practice of induction of newly elected board members facilitates their quick and effective integration into the work of the Board of Directors
Planning the work of the Board of Directors facilitates the performance of its functions
The procedure for members of the Board of Directors to obtain documents and information about the Company and controlled legal entities (if any) necessary for making decisions is convenient and straightforward
The current work practices of the Board of Directors ensure that the most important issues of the Company's activities are comprehensively addressed
Board members have the knowledge and experience to effectively carry out the tasks of the Board of Directors of the Company
A constructive relationship has been built between management and Board members
The Chairman of the Board of Directors has an impeccable business reputation and is available for communication with shareholders, facilitating effective communication with them
As the self-assessment for previous periods was based on different criteria, the results of the self-assessment for the current corporate year are not compared with the results of self-assessments for previous reporting periods.
Remuneration of Members of the Board of Directors
The principles for motivating members of FPC’s Board of Directors, as well as paying compensation and reimbursement of expenses to members of the Board of Directors are set out in the Regulations on Remuneration and Compensation Payable to Members of FPC’s Board of Directors approved by FPC’s Annual General Shareholders Meeting in June 2018.
The Regulations include transparent mechanisms to determine directors’ remuneration in line with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code. The remuneration paid for the past corporate year is the only form of monetary remuneration payable to members of the Board of Directors. The Company does not apply any form of short-term motivation or additional financial incentive for the members of the Board of Directors.
Remuneration of members of the Board of Directors is differentiated depending on the scope of directors’ responsibilities and considering additional time spent on discharging the functions of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors, a committee member, and a committee chairman or deputy chairman.
To calculate fixed remuneration for serving on the Board of Directors, there is a formula that uses the base part of remuneration adjusted for the factor of a director’s attendance at meetings and a factor of his/her contribution to the performance of the Board of Directors as its Chairman or Deputy Chairman.
Additional remuneration is payable for serving on a committee of the Board of Directors, which is calculated based on the fixed part of remuneration adjusted for the factor of a director’s attendance at committee meetings and an additional factor for discharging the functions of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, or a member of a committee of the Board of Directors.
Payments to members of the Board of Directors for discharging extra functions
Chairman of the Board of Directors
50% of the base part of remuneration
Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors
25% of the base part of remuneration
Chairman of a Committee under the Board of Directors
25% of the base part of remuneration
Deputy Chairman of a Committee under the Board of Directors
25% of the base part of remuneration for the meetings where the director acted as Chairman of a Committee of the Board of Directors
Member of a Committee under the Board of Directors
15% of the base part of remuneration
If a member of the Board of Directors is a member of several committees, additional remuneration is calculated and paid for serving on each committee.
The remuneration for serving on the Board of Directors is only paid if a director attends at least 50% of meetings (from his/her election till the termination of powers).
Additional remuneration is only paid if a director attends (personally or by submitting a written opinion) at least 50% of in-person committee meetings (from his/her election to the termination of powers).
Members of JSC FPC’s Board of Directors are reimbursed for expenses incurred when attending the Board meetings (committee meetings) in the amount of actual and documented expenses, in particular:
Travel expenses for a round trip to the venue of the Board meeting (committee meeting) (including passenger insurance and service fee) by plane in business class or by train in a first-class sleeping carriage
Travel expenses for a round trip from/to an airport or railway station to/from a hotel
Accommodation expenses for a single room in a hotel
Other expenses incurred when attending the Board (Board’s committee) meeting
Total remuneration paid to members of the Board of Directors
In 2022, members of JSC FPC's Board of Directors were paid a total of RUB 21,936,524.00. This amount does not include personal income tax or payments related to the performance of duties by the General Director under the employment contract with JSC FPC. Four executive directors declined remuneration in 2022.
Committees of the Board of Directors
Report of the Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee is a consultative and advisory body of the Board of Directors. The Committee’s decisions are of an advisory nature. The Committee’s primary goal is to assist the Board of Directors’ efficient operation in controlling the Company’s financial and business activities.
The Committee’s goals and objectives
Accounting (financial) statements and management accounting
Monitoring the completeness, accuracy and integrity of JSC FPC’s accounting (financial) statements; reviewing the material aspects of the Company’s accounting policy; participating in reviewing material matters and judgements related to JSC FPC’s accounting (financial) statements
Reviewing external audit results
Reviewing the rationale behind, and acceptability of, the current accounting methods, accounting (financial) reporting principles, as well as management accounting methods and management reporting principles
Previewing the Company’s draft Annual Report, budget, Investment Programme, Operational Efficiency and Cost Optimisation Programme, and relevant performance reports
Risk management and internal control
Monitoring the risk management and internal control system reliability and effectiveness
Reviewing the effectiveness of risk management and internal control procedures; preparing proposals for their improvement
Reviewing and assessing the implementation of the Risk Management and Internal Control Policy
Reviewing and assessing the implementation of the Conflict of Interest Management Policy
Preparing recommendations on acceptable risk levels (risk appetite, preferred risks)
Internal and external audits
Ensuring independent and unbiased approach of the internal audit function and reviewing its effectiveness; reviewing the Company’s Internal Audit Policy and internal audit plan; considering matters related to the appointment (dismissal) of the head of internal audit unit and the amount of his/her remuneration
Assessing nominees to the Company’s external auditor for independence, objectivity and absence of conflicts of interest, in particular, assessing potential candidates for the Company’s auditor role, making proposals on the external auditor’s appointment, re-appointment and dismissal as well as remuneration and terms of engagement, overseeing external audits and assessing audit quality and external auditors’ reports
Ensuring effective interaction between the internal audit function and the Company’s external auditor
Combating malpractice by the Company’s employees or third parties
Monitoring the performance of the system of alerting on potential fraud being committed by the Company’s employees or third parties
Overseeing special investigations of potential fraud and misuse of insider or confidential information
Monitoring the implementation of measures adopted by the Company in response to reports of suspected fraud or other violations
Statistics on the Committee meetings
A total of 21 meetings of the Committee were held during 2022, of which 17 were in presentia and four in absentia. During 2022, the Audit and Risk Committee addressed 107 issues.
Key items reviewed by the Committee
JSC FPC’s budget for 2023–2025
Operational Efficiency and Cost Optimisation Programme of JSC FPC for 2023–2025
Quarter reports on the Company’s financial and business activities prepared by FPC’s General Director
Report on FPC’s anti-corruption and corruption prevention efforts in 2021 and FPC’s anti-corruption and corruption prevention action plan for 2022
Matters related to the Internal Audit Department: report on the performance of JSC FPC’s Internal Audit Department in 2021, self-assessment results of the Internal Audit Department in 2021 and internal audit results
Issues of the external audit, including the RAS accounting (financial) statements of JSC FPC for 2021, the auditor's report on the accounting (financial) statements and the Auditor's recommendations. The procedure for determining the Auditor of JSC FPC in 2022 was considered, and the initial (maximum) price of the agreement for auditing the RAS accounting (financial) statements and IFRS consolidated financial statements for 2022 was determined
Report on the results of audits of subsidiaries and associates by the auditing commissions and the Auditor for 2021, including the removal of previous years' remarks, the results of the selection of the Auditor for 2021 and the approaches to the selection of the Auditor in 2022
Major investment projects and the Investment Programme for 2023–2025
The Committee’s plans for 2023
To review the 2022 progress report on the Operational Efficiency and Cost Optimisation Programme of the Company
To establish the Company's acceptable risk profile (risk appetite, preferred risks) for 2023 and consideration of the Company's key risk register and map for 2023
To approve the potential candidate for the external auditor role and material terms of the relevant agreement, including the service fee
To review annual accounting (financial) statements of JSC FPC for 2022
To review the 2022 FPC risk monitoring report
To review reports on the results of the self-assessment of the Risk Management and Internal Control System for 2022 and the updated register of key risks of JSC FPC for 2022
To review the results of the audit of the financial and business activities of JSC FPC for 2022 and the draft action plan to remove the remarks and violations identified by the Auditing Commission of JSC FPC following the audit of the Company's financial and business activities for 2022
To review the IFRS consolidated financial statements for 2022, the auditor's report on the consolidated financial statements and the Auditor's recommendations
Report of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee
The Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee is a consultative and advisory body of the Board of Directors. The Committee’s decisions are of an advisory nature. The main purpose of the Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in efficiently performing its functions with regard to the development of corporate governance, effective workforce planning and establishing transparent compensation practices in the Company.
The Committee’s goals and objectives
Incentive and remuneration systems
Development and periodic reviews of the Company’s policy for remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, executive bodies and other key executives of the Company
Oversight of the introduction and implementation of the Company’s remuneration policy and incentive programmes, performance assessment of the executive bodies of the Company and other key executives of the Company, including review of the reports on the achievement of KPIs
Preliminary review and development of recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding material terms of employment contracts to be entered into with the Company’s executive bodies and key executives, as well as bonuses for executive bodies and key executives
Preliminary assessment of the work of the Company’s Corporate Secretary by year-end results
Human resources policy and succession planning
Assessment of the Company’s Board of Directors in terms of professional expertise, experience, independence and involvement of the Board members; review of the professional qualifications and independence of all Board nominees
Development of recommendations on the performance assessment system and improving procedures for the same in respect of the Board of Directors and its committees
Development of recommendations for the induction programme for newly elected members of the Board of Directors
Analysis of current and anticipated needs of the Company with regard to the professional qualifications of the members of the executive bodies and other key executives
Succession planning, developing recommendations for candidates for the Company’s executive bodies and other key executives
Corporate Governance
Oversight of corporate governance practices
Analysis of the compatibility of corporate governance with the Company’s goals and objectives, as well as with the scale of its operations and the risks the Company undertakes
Development of proposals on improvement of corporate governance practices
Statistics on the Committee meetings
During 2022, there were 11 meetings, of which eight were held in person and three in absentia.
During the reporting period, the Committee dealt with 37 issues.
Key items reviewed by the Committee
Review of the Regulations on JSC FPC Executive Remuneration System
Review of the corporate KPIs achievement report for 2021
Decisions on the motivation of the General Director and Deputy General Directors of JSC FPC
Review of quarter reports by the Director General of JSC FPC on the Company's Social and Personnel Policy, implementation of decisions of the Board of Directors, and the work plan of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC
Approval of candidates to the positions of FPC’s Deputy General Director and heads of FPC’s branch
Review of the Regulations on Preparing and Holding the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC FPC, the Regulations on the Board of Directors of JSC FPC
Interim assessment of independent directors on the compliance of Board members of JSC FPC with the independence criteria
Review of the results of the internal audit of the corporate governance practices of JSC FPC in 2021
Review of JSC FPC 2021 Annual Report in terms of corporate governance and sustainable development (principles of corporate social responsibility, personnel and social policy, occupational health and safety)
The Committee’s plans for 2023
To prepare recommendations to the Board of Directors on nominees to the boards of directors and auditing commissions of subsidiaries and affiliates of JSC FPC
To consider the report of the General Director of JSC FPC on the results of JSC FPC Social and Personnel Policy in 2022 and the first quarter of 2023
To review the report on the performance of the Human Resources, Remuneration and Corporate Governance Committee of JSC FPC’s Board of Directors in the 2020/2021 corporate year and its efficiency assessment
To consider the results of the performance assessment of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC, Committees of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC, members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Corporate Secretary for the 2022/2023 corporate year
To consider the issue of measures to prepare for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC FPC, including the assessment of candidates nominated by shareholders for election to the Board of Directors of JSC FPC
Report of the Committee on Strategic Planning, Digital Transformation and Information Technology
The Committee on Strategic Planning, Digital Transformation and Information Technology is an advisory and consultative body of the Board of Directors formed to improve the Company’s performance in the long term. The Committee’s decisions are of an advisory nature.
The Committee’s goals and objectives
Strategic development
Elaboration of the Company’s priority areas of activities
Identification of the Company’s key performance indicators, assessment of the Company’s performance in the longer term
Consideration of the financial and valuation model for the Company's business and its business segments; reorganisation and liquidation of the Company and its controlled entities; changes in the organisational and staff structure of the Company's management apparatus; consideration of reorganisation of the Company's business processes and its controlled legal entities
Preliminary review and development of recommendations to the Board of Directors on the following issues:
Company's dividend and investment policies
Approval of major transactions
Identification of a development strategy
Approval of the budget and the Investment Programme
Information Technology
Determination of strategic goals of the Company's activities, participation in the development of the Company's Development Strategy, Long-Term Development Programme and IT Strategy of the Company, control of their implementation and development of recommendations to the Board of Directors on adjustments to the Company's Development Strategy, Long-Term Development Programme and IT Strategy of the Company
Oversight of the implementation of the Company's IT strategy, review of its progress reports
Preliminary review and recommendations to the Board of Directors on IT projects and the IT budget
Digital transformation
Preliminary review and development of recommendations to the Board of Directors on the following issues:
Approval of the main focus areas of the digitalisation programmes and products
Assessment of the impact of the introduction of new technologies on the Company's activities
Approval and adjustment of the Company's Informatisation Programme and Innovative Development Programme and approval of the report on their implementation
Statistics on the Committee meetings
During 2022, there were 11 meetings, of which seven were held in person and four – in absentia. Forty (40) issues were addressed.
Key items reviewed by the Committee
Decision to develop JSC FPC's Digital Transformation Strategy until 2024 and to approve a schedule for developing JSC FPC's Digital Transformation Strategy
Report on compliance with the Company's 2021 Information Policy
Regulations on the System of Key Performance Indicators for the Purpose of Awarding Bonuses to the Executives of JSC FPC as amended
JSC FPC’s Informatisation Programme for 2023
Quarter reports of FPC’s General Director (in terms of the Company's production activities)
JSC FPC budget and Investment Programme for 2023
The Committee’s plans for 2023
To consider the issue of developing recommendations on the amount of dividends on shares and the procedure for their payment according to the results of 2022
To consider the report on the implementation of the FPC Informatisation Programme for 2022
To consider the JSC FPC General Director’s report on the results of JSC FPC’s operations in 2022 (in terms of the Company’s production activities)
To consider updating the Development Strategy of JSC FPC for the period until 2030 and its subsidiaries