The Company strives not only to progressively develop its business lines and achieve operational and financial targets, but also to follow best practices in sustainability. In line with these commitments, FPC consistently ensures train operation safety, high environmental performance and productive engagement with all stakeholders based on mutual trust, respect and fulfilment of obligations in good faith.
The main goal of the Personnel Policy of JSC FPC is to develop the Company’s people capital. This is achieved through the following:
Attracting human resources
Сontinuous training and development of personnel
Improving the incentives policy
Employee health
Ensuring social stability
Creating a favourable working environment in labour collectives
The competitiveness and quality of services provided depend directly on the job satisfaction and social security of JSC FPC’s employees. With this in mind, the Company annually conducts staff surveys and studies covering thousands of employees.
JSC FPC provides decent conditions for its personnel – competitive salaries, an extended social package, and equal opportunities for employment and career development.
Another priority is environmental safety, i.e., minimising the negative impact on the environment and taking care of the well-being of the natural environment and human health. The Company involves investment, CAPEX, and operational initiatives: efficiency indicators are achieved through qualitative upgrades of trains, as well as reconstruction of treatment facilities and carriage washing facilities.
Personnel of JSC FPC
JSC FPC has an incentive HR Policy, which provides for competitive salaries, as well as social guarantees (voluntary medical insurance, corporate credit programs, pension programs, health resort rehabilitation, etc.).
The objective of the HR Policy is to provide the Company with the right number of committed people, with the right qualifications and at the right cost, in a timely manner.
The principles of the HR Policy:
The directions and priorities of the HR Policy should ensure the implementation of the Company’s strategic goals
Attraction and retention of the staff
Systematic training and continuous development of the Company’s employees
Creation of conditions for the employees’ personal growth
Remuneration for the result, thus stimulating the achievement of the Company’s strategic goals
JSC FPC welcomes equal opportunities for all.
The Company advocates personal freedom and human rights and excludes any form of discrimination in a workplace.
When it comes to respecting human rights, the Company focuses on occupational safety, wages, safe working conditions and the prohibition of slave labour and child labour.
One of the Company’s primary goals is to protect the lives and health of its employees. Ensuring safe working conditions in the workplace and at railway transport facilities and preserving the lives and health of employees are the priorities of JSC FPC’s HR Policy.
In accordance with the current legislation, JSC FPC provides equal opportunities for employment, career development, advanced training, and wages to all employees regardless of their religious commitments, sex, age, orientation, marital status, national origin, etc.
The Company pays special attention to gender equality, in particular the availability of new professions for women. Equal pay conditions are ensured for both women and men. Any managerial decisions related to hiring, training, and career development are based on the skills and the necessary stack of competencies of a candidate or employee.
The share of female employees in the Company
Today, approximately 35.400 women are employed at JSC FPC, representing 65% of the total workforce. 75% are in blue-collar jobs, 10% in clerical jobs, 8% are specialists and only 7% occupy managerial positions.
Percentage of female executives:
In 12 months of 2020, 24 women were appointed to senior positions, including four women out of 24 (4%) within General Director office and 20 women out of 60 (33%) at various FPC branches
In 12 months of 2021, 17 women were appointed to senior positions, including four women out of 46 (9%) within General Director office and 13 women out of 61 (21%) at various FPC branches
In 12 months of 2022, 24 women were appointed to senior positions, including three women within General Director office (7%) and 21 women at various FPC branches (21%)
Since 2018, JSC FPC has had a successfully functioning Coordination Council for the Improvement of Working Conditions, Recreation and Social Support for Women. For 2024, the target proportion of women in the talent pool has been set at no less than 40%. The Perspective project was launched in 2022: the Company’s talented women with a technical background are involved in solving strategic tasks.
Staff Profile
Personnel by age, %
Personnel by gender, %
The Company maintains the right balance between young talent and more experienced employees. The average age of employees is 42 years. A 30% share of the personnel is represented by young employees aged under 35. At 65%, women constitute the majority of employees.
Personnel by educational background, %
Personnel by position/trade, %
Staff turnover for the 12 months of 2022 was 15.5% (0.8% lower than for the same period in 2021).
The main causes of turnover:
Dissatisfaction with the nature of work (25.4%)
Dissatisfaction with the level of wages (12.8%)
Remoteness of residence (12.4%)
Dissatisfaction with working conditions (7.3%)
Improvements to employee motivation strategies, both material and non-material, are being implemented in an effort to keep the workforce. A procedure for comprehensive personnel recuperation programs was developed, and monthly regional compensation allowances were established for the Company’s key personnel. The implementation of the 2022 Train Crew Retention Programme has ensured that the loss of the permanent staff of passenger carriage attendants in 2022 has been reduced by 13% compared to 2021.
Starting from 2022, FPC applies the Methodology for Staffing of Train Crews within a Calendar Year; this Methodology accounts for growths and declines in passenger traffic throughout a year. That helped to increase the permanent staff of passenger carriage attendants to 3,000 last year.
Staff Recruitment
Various evaluation tools – ability testing, personality surveys, and competence-related structured interviews – are used to ensure the quality of managerial decisions on selecting candidates for vacancies, creating talent pools, staff rotation and training.
In 2022, over 23,000 employees underwent the corporate competency assessment, with customer-facing employees accounting for 89% of the total.
Also, over 300 tactical-level managers underwent the competency assessment. Based on the results of the assessment, the managers received feedback and recommendations for development. Particular attention was paid to the development of managerial competencies and effective communication skills.
To develop managerial potential, provide personnel protection and retain efficient managers, the Company established the Personnel Committee. Based on its results, the most effective and promising candidates are identified (assessed in terms of their professional experience, implementation of their individual development plan, activity in corporate competencies) to determine a retention/re-assignment strategy, decisions are made on assignments for training, key competence development programmes are selected, including feedback to candidates on their domains of professional growth.
Personnel Training and Development
Training system performance
Total employees trained
Share of employees trained at the FPC Personnel Development Centre, %
Budget, RUB million
Staff training broken down by training centre, people
Professional training of employees of general positions (initial training and advanced training), persons
2022 was marked by the beginning of the reorganisation of JSC FPC’s holistic approach to staff training. The need of branches in training increases every year.
A total of 6,500 workers and clerks were trained for general positions, and over 11,000 people completed upskilling courses in the reporting period. The Personnel Development Centre of JSC FPC is the main platform to provide training for general positions.
As part of the development of corporate competencies of front-line staff, the focus is on improving the quality of interaction with customers, with special attention paid to services for organised groups of children and physically challenged passengers. For example, in 2022, psychologists from the structural subdivisions of JSC FPC’s branches held over 3,000 training seminars with the participation of over 39,000 employees without interruption to their core activities. The methodological base is replenished annually: new training programmes have been developed, including those adapted to the online format.
As part of developing the corporate culture and business communication skills, more than 500 train crew chief officers and train instructors were trained under a customised programme. The training included practical tasks and case studies, as well as training in communication skills using a dialogue simulator.
On 19 August 2022, a meeting of JSC FPC’s Science and Engineering Council was held on the subject of Developing the Human Resource Potential of JSC FPC, during which the concept of The Evolution of Training for JSC FPC Train Crews was presented. The concept for the evolution of training is based on practice-oriented training, a unified approach to assessing the level of professional knowledge and the gradual transfer of training for all train crews to the framework of JSC FPC’s Personnel Development Centre. The Concept implies two stages:
The first stage: starting from 2023, training for passenger train managers will be provided only at licensed offices of JSC FPC’s Personnel Development Centre
The second stage: from 2024, training for passenger carriage attendants on the basis of licensed offices of JSC FPC’s Personnel Development Centre
In accordance with the professional standard, a model of professional competencies of a train electrician was developed and approved, as well as the procedure for application of the same in staff assessment. Tests on cross-curricular and professional competences have been compiled to assess the knowledge of employees. All test tasks were subjected to expert review, tried out in the groups of advance training of train electricians, and posted in the Distance Learning System of the Parent Company.
Starting from 1 September 2022, train electricians undergo assessment in the branches of JSC FPC.
To develop professional competencies in the field of train safety and reliability of technical facilities, the Requirements for the Educational Level of Train Electricians of JSC FPC have been elaborated and approved.
At the same time, efforts have been made this year to create a model of professional competencies for the trade of passenger carriage attendant. As part of the development of this model, the structure of professional competences and requirements for the level of competence development were defined, behavioural indicators were developed, and a database of test assignments for assessment was formed.
We continued to develop the Distance Learning System. In 2022, electronic content was posted for 19 personnel training programmes, 13 e-courses, including six open e-courses, 27 assessment tests for briefings and 177 assessment tests for passenger train managers, passenger carriage attendants and train electricians, as part of technical training. 4,152 employees of the Company received advanced training through the Distance Learning System.
Advanced training for managers, specialists, and employees
A total of 2,427 managers and specialists of the Company took mandatory, technical and leadership training in 2022.
The 2022 training plan for managers and specialists was realised at 187.7%.
Personnel training in 2022 by position level, people
As part of the implementation of JSC FPC Digital Transformation Strategy until 2024, in order to adapt personnel to the new digital culture, a long-range training plan for the development of digital skills of managers, specialists and employees of JSC FPC for 2022–2024 was developed. In 2022, the coverage of training in this area was 20% of the total headcount.
Targeted training
To populate JSC FPC with highly qualified personnel, targeted training is arranged for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education.
In 2022, the number of students enrolled in higher and secondary vocational education was 136, including 58 full-time students and 78 part-time students.
Targeted training is provided at nine university complexes of railway transport.
Youth Policy
Over 16,000 employees, or 30% of the total headcount, are young people aged under 35. Of them, the share of workers is 80%, employees — 8%, specialists — 8%, and managers — 4%. The share of young managers in the Company’s total managerial staff is 16%.
“In order to achieve the objectives set out in JSC FPC’s Development Strategy, the Company needs young, enterprising and innovative employees”.
Source: Youth of JSC FPC (2021–2025) Targeted Programme
The main tasks and domains for the development of the Company’s Youth Policy are defined by the Youth of JSC FPC (2021–2025) Targeted Programme. 77 youth councils have been convened in the Company to implement the Programme. The programme activities, which have the following in focus, reach at least 75% of young employees each year:
Adaptating and retaining of young people in the Company
Stimulating of scientific and technical creativity, innovation and scientific activity of young people
Improving the motivation mechanisms for young managers and employees
Assisting in the personal and professional development of young employees with knowledge and skills adapted to the conditions of JSC FPC, as well as the career growth of young people
Forming a set of positive values, maintaining the continuity of generations, and strengthening the prestige of the workplace among young people
The Youth Manifesto of the Parent Company was developed in 2022 with the participation of young employees of JSC FPC and approved by Oleg Belozerov, CEO and Chairman of the Parent Company Management Board. The Manifesto defines the common goals, principles, values and traditions of the youth of the Russian transport industry.
Thus, work with young people is systematic, follows the principles of the Youth Policy of the Parent Company and covers six domains.
Кey Projects of JSC FPC’s Youth Targeted Programme
Developing a system for adapting and retaining young people in the Company
A fundamentally new adaptation scenario with an updated graphic design, media fragments and gamification elements was developed as part of the advancing the adaptation chatbot, Attendant.
A new format of electronic adaptation courses was developed and published, taking into account the specifics and organisational structure of the executive office and branches of JSC FPC.
A concept for the Welcome to JSC FPC project was developed, which will include holding annual Unified Adaptation Days in JSC FPC branches, refreshing the branch adaptation courses and updating the branch adaptation chatbot scripts in accordance with the updated format.
Increasing the level of youth involvement
Provision of information via VKontakte social network, Telegram messenger and digital channels (e-mailing) covers more than 12,000 employees and aims to increase staff awareness of key events in the life of the Company and motivate young people to participate in the Holding-level and federal competitions for professional and personal development.
Working meetings with youth councils, active young people and young specialists of the Company are held on a regular basis to discuss career development, implementation of the Youth Policy in JSC FPC and other topics relevant to the Company’s youth.
Maintaining conditions for the continuous and all-round development of young people
Every year, employees of JSC FPC take part in the Holding-level and federal projects, and represent the Company in the business community with due dignity.
2022 victories: the social grant competition Attendants of Good Deeds, the intellectual game Brainiac on the Urals Railway, the corporate league What.Where.When. of the Gorki Railway, the Russian National Volunteer Competition of the West Siberian Railway, and the 19th All-Russian Competition for youth projects and educational initiatives aimed at the social and economic development of Russian territories as part of SPIEF–2022.
The events in which the Company’s employees participated in 2022 and became finalists: the XI Network-wide Quiz on Knowledge of the Rules of Technical Operation of Railways of the Russian Federation, the Grant Competition of the X Working Youth Forum, and the All-Russian Competition for the Selection of the Best Regional Environmental Practices: Reliable Partner – Ecology.
In 2022, in addition to competitive projects, young employees of JSC FPC took part in the following events related to professional growth:
Managing Culture and master classes of the project
‘Manage Your Career’, ‘Principles of Effective Interaction’, ‘Basics of SMM’ and other events initiated by the Personnel and Social Development Department of JSC FPC. In particular, recordings of master classes aimed at developing the volunteer community gathered 2,460 views in the FPC.HERE community in the VKontakte social network
Advance training programmes run by JSC FPC’s Personnel Development Centre
Developing corporate volunteering, promotion of healthy lifestyle and sports In JSC FPC, 2022 has been declared the Year of Corporate Volunteering.
In 2022, more than 1,500 employees took part in volunteer activities or implemented their own volunteering initiatives in the following areas: social volunteering, environmental volunteering, healthy lifestyles and railway transport safety.
The largest and most consolidated action was Support Ours!, to collect and transport humanitarian aid in JSC FPC’s baggage carriages. The Parent Company, the Russian Red Cross, the All-Russian People’s Front, and the Public Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the city of Krasnoyarsk took part in the campaign, with the people and trains of the Federal Passenger Company acting as the connecting link. Humanitarian aid in the amount of 52 tonnes arrived in Rostov and was sent to residents of newly-annexed territories of the Russian Federation.
In 2022, over 200 employees took part in the annual competition for volunteer projects that improve the lives of people in the cities where the Company operates, #YouMeVolunteerFPC. According to the competition committee’s decision, the top three winners were an environmental project of the Volga branch, a pet volunteering project, and a social / educational project of the FPC’s Gorky Branch.
One of the important, accessible and popular volunteer activities of the Company’s employees was eco-volunteering. Volunteers of JSC FPC took part in the environmental events: Earth Hour and Car Free Day.
Traditionally, during the year the Company’s employees pursued their own volunteer initiatives, helped sponsored orphanages and boarding schools, and took part in projects of the Honour Foundation, volunteering, donorship, social and state institutions in their regions.
In addition to volunteering, young people developed healthy lifestyles and sports: they took part in the Healthy Lifestyle Week marathon at the Parent Company, online flash mobs #BeInResourceSTRBC and #EVERYONEforHEALTH, the Reaching the Goals race, and a bike race. The Company’s employees won network-wide competitions in swimming, tug-of-war, basketball, and billiards.
In 2022, there were many opportunities to demonstrate our civic engagement. FPC’s young employees provided assistance to the families of railway workers, war and labour veterans and organised congratulations on Victory Day, Railway Worker Day, Senior Citizens’ Day and Attendant’s Day.
Involving young people in resolving corporate (strategic) tasks (including innovative and scientific activities)
Since 2010, the Company’s young people have traditionally participated in the New Link innovation project competition. Systematic work has been done to promote the competition and train participants.
In 2022, a project Device for Starting Undercarriage Generators When an Accumulator Battery Is Discharged accomplished by an employee of the Ural Branch of JSC FPC made it to the finals of the New Link youth project competition. Moreover, the Company accepted it for implementation in 2023.
During the reporting year, 21 young employees of the Company made rationalisation proposals on the 4I platform.
A young employee of the Ural Branch of JSC FPC won the Idea of JSC FPC 2022 contest for inventions and rationalisation proposals.
Developing intra-holding, inter-industry and international youth cooperation
Creating strong horizontal ties between young employees is the key to the efficient and uninterrupted work of the Company, the Parent Company and the country. In 2022, young employees of JSC FPC took part in the following events:
The XIV Parent Company Youth Convent, held from September 26 to November 2 in Noginsk with the participation of the country’s industrial leaders and foreign partners of the Parent Company
III Parent Company Volunteer Forum, held from 30 November to 6 December in Moscow
Holding and network-wide events held by the Parent Company
Student train attendant teams
Staffing train crews is one of the main tasks in providing mass passenger transportation.
For 12 years, JSC FPC has been cooperating with the AllRussian Youth Public Organisation Russian Student Squads. During this period, the Company has recruited over 60,000 members of student squads from 585 educational organisations and 70 Russian regions. One of the main focuses of JSC FPC’s systemic work with young people is the growth of the student squad movement.
Every year since 2010, JSC FPC has recruited students to work as attendants of passenger cars in the structural subdivisions of its branches during winter and summer passenger service, thereby reducing the workload of the core staff of train crews.
In 2022, more than 7,000 members of student attendants squads worked during the peak passenger transportation period, including 518 during the winter period of 2021/2022 and 6,838 during the summer period.
In 2022, in co-operation with the Russian Student Squads, a number of events were held: the inauguration of the All-Russian Student Attendant Squad Labour Projects, a flash mob, the All-Russian Student Attendant Squads’ Rally, and a professional skills’ competition.
For the first time in 2022, the All-Russian competition for the best youth employment practices organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation was held. JSC FPC took the first place in the category Best Practices of Cooperation with Employers, Educational Organisations and Employment Centres.
Number of members of student attendant squads employed during in winter, people
Number of members of student attendant squads employed during summer, people
Employee Remuneration and Motivation System
The Company has an effective employee incentive system in place. The provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement stipulate a wide range of social benefits to employees. All payments, without exception, are regularly indexed and are reviewed taking into account the best practices available on the market, as well as staff opinion, which is formed based on the results of engagement surveys. The non-financial motivation system also includes the best available non-financial incentive practices for personnel. Currently, JSC FPC is actively working towards the digitalisation of the Intangible Incentive System by introducing gamified processes for rewarding labour merits. In 2023, JSC FPC launched a pilot project – a corporate shop at one of its companies: in the shop, employees can exchange their bonuses for various goods and services.
Based on the 2022 results, the salary of employees of all types covered by JSC FPC’s activities averaged to RUB 67,451. Salaries and wages grew by 28.5% against 2021. Real wages and salaries in the Company increased by 12.9% taking into account the consumer price index.
In accordance with the Collective Agreement of JSC FPC for 2020–2022, salaries of employees in 2022 were indexed by 4.2% starting from 1 March 2022, by 5% from 1 May 2022, and by 5% from 1 August 2022. All incentive payments stipulated by the Regulation on the Remuneration System for Employees of JSC FPC’s Branches and their Structural Divisions, approved by JSC FPC’s Order No. 961r of 12 October 2017 and the Concept of Targeted Incentives for Employees of JSC FPC’s Branches, Central Direction Carriage Section – Structural Division of JSC FPC, approved by JSC FPC’s Order No. 1305r of 29 December 2017, were also implemented.
The Company also pays length-of-service bonuses (employee loyalty bonus) and incentive bonuses.
The continuing employment benefits in the form of bonuses for loyalty to the Company amounted to RUB 1,128.7 million.
Bonuses for professional excellence:
Personal salary (average per employee) – RUB 32,036 (589 attendants of passenger carriages and train electricians)
Bonus for professional skills (average per employee) – RUB 3,134 (5,187 persons)
Bonuses for a grade (average per employee) – RUB 4,359 (6,932 persons)
Salaries by leading professions as compared to 2021
Name of position/trade
Salary, RUB
Growth/decline, %
Passenger train manager
Passenger carriage attendant
Train electrician
Rolling stock repairman
Carriage inspector / repairman
Booking clerk
Foreman of a carriage roundhouse section
Social Policy
Social security of employees
The Company's social policy is aimed at:
Increasing the attractiveness of JSC FPC as an employer
Attracting and adapting young and highly qualified specialists
Increasing the loyalty of employees
Improving the efficiency of social expenditures
Maintaining social stability in the labour collectives
In 2022, JSC FPC signed a new Collective Agreement for 2023–2025.
The new Collective Bargaining Agreement not only retains all the traditional benefits for railway employees, but also revises the amount of payments taking into account the economic situation
The following benefits are also increased:
Amount of financial assistance to parents at birth of each child: RUB 5,775 in 2023, RUB 6,050 in 2024, and RUB 6,300 in 2025
Amount of monthly allowance to the employees who are on childcare leave until the child reaches three years of age: RUB 2,888 in 2023, RUB 3,025 in 2024, and RUB 3,150 in 2025
The amount of support received through Honour Foundation by non-working pensioners who are recognised with state awards has been set at RUB 10,000 per month
In 2022, the individual social package per employee of JSC FPC amounted to RUB 58,500, the social package for a non-working pensioner of JSC FPC amounted to RUB 5,500.
In 2022, 2,358 employees of JSC FPC were recognised with various awards for dedication and performance at work:
State awards of the Russian Federation – three employees
Awards of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation – 98 employees
Awards of the parent company – 1,006 employees
FPC awards – 1,251 employees
Awards for the professionalism in the performance of a particularly important production task – 6,215 employees.
Housing Policy
Under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, monthly subsidies are paid to 379 employees of JSC FPC to repay the interest accrued on their mortgage loans.
During the year of 2022, five subsidised mortgage loans were given to the employees of JSC FPC who are registered for corporate support in acquiring (building) residential premises; 19 employees of the Company received non-repayable subsidies, including 14 employees who gave birth to children while paying off their loan for the accommodation they had bought.
In 2022, compensation of expenses for rent of housing not owned by JSC FPC, as stipulated by the Regulations on the establishment and Use of Specialised Housing Fund of JSC FPC, was provided for 149, including four employees of the North-Western branch and 12 employees of the East Siberian branch (to observe labour rights and social guarantees in connection with reorganisation), six employees of Adler Carriage Site (to recruit highly qualified specialists and organise the relevant processes taking into account the special role the Site plays in support of strategically important line of passenger transportation). A total of RUB 40.7 million was spent on the implementation of the Housing Policy during the reporting period, including RUB 17.2 million for non-repayable subsidies.
Health Resort Rehabilitation
FPC’s Employee Health Programme is aimed at full-scale recreation and treatment.
Since 2022, JSC FPC has launched comprehensive preventive treatment for train crews’ employees. It is a new field that now functions on a permanent basis. A total of 3,388 vouchers for health resort rehabilitation of employees, their family members and non-working pensioners were allocated in 2022 in the amount of RUB 110.8 million, of which 1,549 vouchers in the amount of RUB 35.1 million (46% of the total number of vouchers allocated), are for health resort rehabilitation of employees under comprehensive programmes.
In 2022, JSC FPC took the third place in the Investments in the Healthy Country Development competition. Best Corporate Practices 2022 (organised by the Healthy Tourism and Corporate Health Association) in the Health Culture Development category with the project Health Improvement of Train Crew Employees through Short-Term Prevention Programmes. The nominees and winners of the competition include the projects of Gazpromneft, ALROSA, Severstal, Rosatom, etc. Rehabilitation of employees under short-term programmes have been implemented at JSC FPC since 2021. Today, wellness programmes are implemented in such areas as musculoskeletal system treatment, AntiCOVID, Easy Breathing, Healthy Back, and Women’s Health.
The Company pays great attention to preserving and strengthening the health of employees’ children, preventing childhood illnesses, and creating conditions for meaningful recreation and employment for children during the summer period. In 2022, 1,448 vouchers for children of employees were allocated (+13.5% compared to the same period in 2021), including 1,106 vouchers to children’s recreational facilities of the Social Directorates – branches of the Parent Company, and 342 vouchers to other recreational facilities.
Occupational Health
Personnel health has always been a priority for the Company. Since 2014, the Health Management project has been implemented, with psychological support offices organised in 15 structural subdivisions of the branches. Specialised equipment for diagnostics and correction of employees’ psycho-emotional state makes it possible to quickly and effectively restore fitness for working, relieve emotional stress, and teach self-regulation and stress management skills. In 2022, more than 3,000 employees visited psychological support offices.
In 75% of cases, employees report an improvement in their emotional state; every third employee restores his or her capacity for work to an optimum level after undergoing a course of rehabilitation measures in a psychological support office.
Corporate Pension System
Corporate pensions are included in the Company’s employees’ social security packages.
Over 16,000 employees have pension plans with Blagosostoyanie, a private pension fund.
In its commitment to match funding of private pension plans, FPC pays monthly pension contributions until a corporate pension is assigned, and then additional pension contributions once a corporate pension is granted.
In 2022, non-state pension costs for JSC FPC’s employees totalled RUB 429.1 million.
JSC FPC’s Support for Non-Working Pensioners
FPC provides its retirees with wide-range support.
At present, FPC supports over 51,000 non-working retirees.
Special attention is paid to the railway workers who took part in the Great Patriotic War (World War II), home front workers, and survivors of Nazi concentration camps.
Non-working retirees who have worked at FPC for over 20 years receive compensation for dentures and subsequent repairs, high-tech medical services at the Parent Company’s healthcare facilities, free travel on suburban and long-distance trains, and health resort rehabilitation services.
During the reporting period, the Company’s expenses for social support of non-working pensioners amounted to RUB 281.6 million
Social Support for Mobilised Employees of JSC FPC and their Family Members
To provide social support to the employees of JSC FPC whose labour contracts were suspended due to their conscription for military service under mobilisation or conclusion of a contract on voluntary assistance in the armed forces of the Russian Federation, all benefits stipulated by the Collective Agreement of JSC FPC for 2023–2025 and local regulations of JSC FPC were preserved for their family members.
Together with Honour Foundation, the Company management organised fund-raising through the specialised platform, Let’s Help Together, as a part of charitable action Military Duty for the mobilised employees of JSC FPC; more than 3,000 employees took part in such initiative.
The total amount of funds collected for financial support of the mobilised employees and their families amounted to RUB 5.8 million.
In 2022, financial support was rendered to 85 mobilised employees of JSC FPC (RUB 4.3 million) and 70 minor children of them (RUB 1.4 million).
Promoting Women’s Leadership
The Coordination Council for the Improvement of Working Conditions, Recreation and Social Support for Women (hereinafter referred to as the Council) has been successfully functioning at JSC FPC since 2018.
The Council’s main priority is to unlock the leadership potential, competencies and skills of the Company’s female employees.
Objectives and functions of the Council:
Unlocking and developing the leadership potential, competencies and skills that a modern successful person needs
Considering the issues and proposals related to enhancing opportunities in the area of stimulating and motivating women, social and human resources policy
Implementing the practices that would help maintain physical and psychological health and a balance between personal and professional life
Studying the issues related to the image and etiquette of a modern woman
Unleashing the professional and personal potential of women and strengthening the role of women in resolving significant social and economic tasks of the Company
Considering the women’s leadership promotion and mentoring programmes, targeted development programmes for women
Exploring programmes on the role of emotions in human interaction
Developing communication skills and client-oriented competence
Monitoring the professional growth and further career development of women included in the talent pool for senior positions of the JSC FPC Director General Office and heads of JSC FPC branches
Dialogue with Employees
FPC traditionally ensures that it has a continuing dialogue with its employees. Corporate surveys assist in gaining insight into the situation within the company from the perspective of the personnel, in assessing the efficiency of the work accomplished, and in identifying the vector of development.
The results of JSC FPC’s Uniform Personnel Engagement Survey in 2022 show a positive trend in many indicators, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the measures taken as a result of the previous surveys. Employees are most satisfied with the information system (92%), interaction with their line manager (90%) and compliance with ethical standards (89%). More than 19,500 employees of all job categories shared their opinions.
The survey covers not only full-time employees, but also students hired for extensive summer traffic. Thus, the level of students’ job satisfaction in the Company in 2022 increased by 6% compared to 2021 and reached 76% (the survey was conducted among 4,600 students).
Development of Digital Services for Employees
In October 2022, the Company launched the development of the corporate portal for employees: FPC INFO. Every employee regardless of his/her location will be able to learn about the newest information, get the necessary details about own income, vacation, benefits, pension, order certificates and document copies, carry out self-education, and steer own career as well.
Code of Ethics
In 2015, the Board of Directors approved FPC’s Code of Ethics to codify uniform corporate values, personnel behaviour norms and rules serving to make employees aware of their role in achieving the Company’s mission, and improve the bottom line and business performance. The key ethical principles set forth in the Code of Ethics are binding on all employees of the Company.
The key ethical principles of JSC FPC Defined by the Code of Business Ethics of JSC FPC (approved by a decision of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC dated 14 December 2015, Minutes No. 8) and are binding on members of the Board of Directors and all employees of JSC FPC.
People first
People are our key asset. Everything we do is for the comfort and benefit of a particular individual – a passenger, customer, employee
Conscientious work
It means diligent and accurate performance of one’s job duties, being helpful and attentive to passengers and customers at all times, honouring one’s business commitments, carrying plans through, have zero tolerance for any form of corruption, live up to the honour of being part of JSC FPC
Taking pride in being part of the FPC team
Every JSC FPC employee is proud and privileged to be part of a company featuring a unique history, rich traditions and ambitious plans. It is our duty to honour traditions, respect the industry veterans, maintain and improve JSC FPC’s reputation as a dynamic national passenger carrier
Being part of a whole
Being part of the team means being attentive to, and honest with, one’s colleagues, seniors and juniors and placing the interests of the team and JSC FPC above one’s own. Our strength lies in mutual trust and coordinated team work
Building on excellence
It means fostering professionalism and professional excellence, sharing best practices with young employees, learning best practices from previous generations, and using the learnings creatively on one’s job to improve passenger and customer satisfaction and achieve positive results
Focus on outcomes
In line with this principle, we keep in mind that our efforts should always yield specific results: higher revenue for JSC FPC, delivery of new projects, passenger and customer satisfaction, and people’s trust
Informed decision-making
We are aware that our decisions may affect the interests of many citizens and organisations, so we carefully weigh every decision we make. All decisions that we make are guided by the principles of prioritising safety and risk mitigation, as well as economic benefits and commercial interests of JSC FPC
Upholding FPC’s commercial interests
We are fostering a culture of continuous improvement, making and saving money while meeting high legal and ethical standards and without compromising on quality and safety
Being a leader
In their efforts to maintain JSC FPC’s high reputation, our people should act in a proactive manner: lead the way, embrace change, set an example for others within and outside JSC FPC
Aspiring to innovate
We always seek perfection, find opportunities to do better, innovate, acquire new knowledge, and drive professional and personal self-development. Innovation is the foundation of future growth and prosperity of JSC FPC
In order to ensure a systematic approach, including monitoring of compliance with the Code of Ethics, an FPC Ethics Officer and Ethics Officers at branches were appointed, with a business ethics commission set up at the corporate and branch administration levels.
The Company is focused on ongoing monitoring of employee compliance with the FPC Code of Ethics standards and rules. To improve the implementation of business ethics standards in the daily activities of employees of JSC FPC branches and their structural subdivisions, the Provisions for an Ethics Officer Functioning in a JSC FPC branch was developed and approved.
Occupational Health and Safety
The Company acts in the spirit of the principle of continuous improvement in occupational safety and strives to prevent work-related injuries.
The units of JSC FPC branches provide 21,382 work places, including 1,672 work places with harmful conditions, or 7.8% of total, with 3,979 employees appointed to such work places.
The corporate standard Occupational Health Management System. General Provisions (STO FPC 1.15.001–2014) and Regulations on the Occupational Health Management System in JSC FPC approved by Order No. 202r of JSC FPC dated 16 March 2022 are the key document defining workplace safety at JSC FPC.
Within M12 2022, 33 accidents were recorded, and investigation results demonstrated the combined employer/employee responsibility, of which five accidents occurred in the years preceding the reporting year (2019 to 2021). Also, 15 cases of injuries to employees were recorded where the employer’s fault was not established, based on the results of the investigation.
In 2022, as in 2021, no cases of fatal work-related injuries to employees were registered in JSC FPC. All work-related injuries at FPC trigger preventive action to help avoid them in the future.
RUB 771.26 million were spent on occupational safety measures at JSC FPC in 2022, representing 1.3% of total operating costs.
The terms of FPC’s Collective Bargaining Agreement have been met, with RUB 496.41 million, or 0.8% of total operating expenses, spent on occupational health and safety measures (excluding expenses on protective clothing and footwear and other personal protective equipment), including:
RUB 324.18 million for work-related injury prevention, de-manning of hazardous areas and new equipment deployment
RUB 172.23 million for the improvement of working conditions
In 2022, work was carried out to improve labour conditions at 890 work places employing 1,898 people.