Digital Projects
FPC has the Innovative Development Programme in place for 2019–2025. One of the programme’s objectives is to develop intelligent transport process management systems based on modern digital technologies and specialised information and management systems.
In 2022, terms of reference were developed for an automated control system for repairs of passenger carriages in passenger carriage depots (ACS PCR), which will make it possible:
- To analyse and forecast the condition of the rolling stock, passenger carriage assemblies and the condition and capacity utilisation of the repair facilities
- To analyse the causes and consequences of failures
- To introduce electronic logbooks at repair positions
- To optimise stocks of spare parts and materials
- To keep a complete history of repairs carried out on passenger cars, subassemblies, parts, units and process equipment
Yield Management System
Since 2013, FPC has used the Sabre Dynamic Pricing System in the calculation of fares in the deregulated segment of long-distance trains (compartment, first-class sleeping carriage, deluxe carriages and seating carriages of higher-speed trains).
Sabre was replaced by Russian software (SW) in 2022. During the year, all year-round domestic long-distance trains transitioned to the Dynamic Fare Management and Demand Incentive System software of the Express-3 ACS. The fare setting depends on the train category, the level and irregularity of demand, the load level of the train, and the number of days before the train departure.
The system is planned to be rolled out to seasonal and additional trains in 2023. The system is currently being reconfigured and modified.
Intelligent Feedback Handling System
In 2022, FPC, together with NAUMEN, a Russian developer of software solutions for business and authorities, implemented the Intelligent System for processing citizens’ feedback. With the aid of this technology, it is now feasible to get customer feedback much more quickly and to respond promptly to customer inquiries about how the Company operates.
The system is based on a domestic software solution that protects customers’ personal data in accordance with the information security requirements of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control and Federal Law No. 152-FZ on Personal Data. It helps the Company’s specialists to consolidate passenger messages received through various official channels (including feedback forms on the website, official email addresses and verbal messages received by specialists of the Russian Railways Customer Support Centre) and then promptly distribute them to the problem owners.
Thanks to intelligent automation of the processing and routing processes, the time it takes to transfer a message from the passenger to the problem owner was cut down to a few minutes In doing so, the system is able to precisely identify the accountable party from among more than 30,000 employees stationed across 10 branches of the Company.